cultural criticism | photography | place & space


The political revolutionary wants to improve existing institutions - their productivity and the quality and distribution of their products. His vision of what is desirable and possible is based on consumption habits developed during the last hundred years. The cultural revolutionary believes that these habits have radically distorted our view of what human beings can have and want. He questions the reality that others take for granted, a reality that, in his view, is the artificial by-product of contemporary institutions, created and reinforced by them in pursuit of their short-term ends.

A Constitution for Cultural Revolution — Ivan Illich

Don't oppose the revolution; gain control of it and redirect its ends.


Why the rules of this game require that we all become Gramscians.

Procedural conservatism: the generally pragmatic principle of avoiding the upsetting of existing status quo regardless of the status quo's substance; conservatism of form.

or as G.K. Chesterton said, The whole modern world has divided itself into conservatives and progressives. The business of progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected.

Revolutionary conservatism: the conservatism of function, content, or substance, which is fully and proactively engaged in the culture and its institutions.

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