cultural criticism | photography | place & space

Who are you?

It is human to receive an impression of something, but it is doubtful if anybody ever received a post-impression of anything. —Chesterton

An impressionist painting is a composed of a multitude of colored dots and smears (the metaphorical trees), and when the viewer takes a step back he’s able to see the impression, whether portrait or landscape (the metaphorical forest).

It’s all very beam me up Scotty

First comes the internal impression, then the constituent parts that compose the impression are organized, and then the external impression is conveyed.

Have you seen the hideous results when the transporter malfunctions?

But is it art? No, it’s not just art; it’s all communication

Bits & Pieces Put Together to Present a Semblance of a Whole

Who are you?

Some of your parts
The sum of your parts
Something beyond the sum of your parts

PST series Bumper Stinkers…a.k.a…BS

Bumper stickers…buttons too…are insidious. They are iconic and viral bites of political and cultural manipulation. As forms of speech, they are free, but not freeing. Their messages frame debate in rigid and narrow ways…that stunted debate in turn sets the mind in rigid and narrow ways, and keeps public discourse in bondage.

The BS series is intended to point out the absurdity of stunted speech and thought, especially by inverting it…to document examples……to show how thought is framed…to question the internal authority of the statements…to have fun.

“=” is a bold declarative statement, but what…exactly…is being boldly declared here? This work aims to encourage people to be critical of the implications and inferences of the original HRC bumper sticker.
What are the differences in meaning between equality, equal, equivalent…sameness?

What is being declared as “the same as”…innate humanity, subjective identities, objective behaviors…being versus doing?

The ontological and anthropological debate gets framed inversely, and a questioning of the results of that is then framed as a shutting down thought and expression instead of the opening up that it is.

Is there a correct answer to "="? Is that answer a dogma? How are dissenters to this dogma misunderstood, marginalized, and demonized?

In a larger Dadaist exposition, any combination of mathematical operators and/or punctuation marks will do…more or less…

But is it Art: III

Premodern art portrayed objects and subjects. Early modern art began the process of deconstructing and abstracting so as to portray the essences of objects and subjects. Later modern and postmodern art then portrayed interpretations of objects and subjects as well as to construct narratives. The meaning became separated from the portrayed form at times to such an extent that an explanation of the work became integral to an exposition of the work.

Enter Transmodern Art

Since it appears that content and form are separable and not dependent on one another, then why have form at all? Let's call it transmodernism, and is it the new direction, or is this merely life imitating artist (simulated reality becoming reality)? Is choosing necessary?

By Way of Introduction

PST, inspired by Mel Gibson and the Pants, is born from the break up of The Three Cocqs on this day...last Friday actually. PST is intended to be a band in the sense that it will produce lyrics, but unlike a traditional band, it will be unlikely to produce music or to perform. It is also envisioned that PST will employ multimedia, where necessary, as an integral rather than supplementary part of its output...essentially a multi modal vehicle.

transcend conditioned limitations
memetic examination
transgress the vogue transgressions
counter revolve…or…re-evolve
frame/unframe : focus/unfocus : filter/unfilter : mask/unmask
mjollnir...the indigo tool

It Begs the Question: I

It Begs the Question: I

Who are you? What do you want? These are fundamental and unwittingly binary questions…light & dark, yin & yang, ping & pong. My thanks to the Vorlons & Shadows.

Frame It Up

What do you want? Do you determine first what your desires are, and then shape your identity accordingly?

Who are you? Do you determine first what your identity is, and then shape your desires accordingly?

Which question you ask will determine your life paradigm, will frame your mindset, and will map your fate.


direct potential
fun delusion
hypnotic operator
dressing up

Ivy Tower

Enjoy the silence...